Rabu, 28 September 2016

Pengaruh Hujan Asam Terhadap Kehidupan

                                     Pengaruh Hujan Asam Terhadap Kehidupan
                                              Oleh Nahra Syafira Oktaviani
Subtema : Hujan Asam
Pada saat ini bumi dalam kondisi berbahaya banyak sekali gas rumah kaca yang menyebabkan global warming dan gas yang menyebabkan lapisan ozon semakin menipis. Hal tersebut dikarenakan saat ini banyak sekali kendaraan bermotor yang setiap saat mengeluarkan gas emisi karbon berbahaya seperti CO, CO2, SO2, NO, dan NO2.
Limbah pabrik yang tidak terkendali pun membuat atmosfer pekat dengan asap polusi. Hal tersebut tentu saja menimbulkan banyak masalah di permukaan bumi dari meningkatnya suhu bumi, kekeringan, timbulnya berbagai penyakit hingga menyebabkan hujan asam.
Apa yang kita ketahui tentang hujan asam? Apakah hanya hujan yang berasa asam? Tentu kita penasaran apa itu hujan asam dan apa yang menyebabkan hujan asam itu terjadi. Hujan asam adalah peristiwa alam yang dapat membahahayakan manusia, hewan, tanaman, dan juga merusak infrastruktur bangunan.
Hujan asam adalah air hujan yang mempunyai pH dibawah 5,6. Karena sifatnya asam maka hujan asam bersifat korosif dan merusak.
Hujan asam dapat terjadi karena gas polutan seperti karbon dioksida, sulfur dioksida, dan nitrogen dioksida dilepaskan ke atmosfer dalam bentuk asap knalpot kemudian asap knalpot tersebut berinteraksi dengan hujan sehingga hujan yang turun mengandung bahan kimia yang bersifat asam.
Senyawa dalam hujan asam seperti SO2 merupakan gas tidak berwarna yang dilepaskan sebagai produk sampingan ketika bahan bakar fosil yang mengandung sulfur dibakar.
 Hal tersebut dapat terjadi karena proses industri seperti pengolahan minyak mentah, pabrik, dan industri besi dan baja. Secara keseluruhan, gas emisi pembakaran industri dan asap transportasi kendaraan bermotor menjadi penyebab utama atas emisi sulfur dioksida di atmosfer . Ketika sulfur dioksida bereaksi dengan kelembaban atmosfer terjadi oksidasi yang membentuk ion sulfat.
SO2 (g) + O2 (g)     SO3 (g)
Ion-ion sulfat kemudian bergabung dengan atom hidrogen dari atmosfer kemudian membentuk asam sulfat.
SO3 (g) + H2 O (l)     H2SO4 (aq)
Nitrogen oksida yang dilepaskan ke udara juga menjadi penyebab utama hujan asam. Industri yang melibatkan suhu yang sangat tinggi seperti industri pupuk kimia dan asap kendaraan berrmotor menjadi penyebab utamanya. Ketika bereaksi dengan atmosfer nitrogen oksida juga mengalami reaksi oksidasi yang membentuk asam nitrat.
NO2 (g) + H2O (l)     HNO3 (aq) + HNO2 (aq)
Penyebab hujan asam berasal dari alam dan juga manusia. Penyebab hujan asam yang berasal dari aktivitas manusia seperti dari asap kendaraan bermotor,asap hasil limbah pabrik, asap dari pembangkit listrik yang menggunakan batubara. Penyebab yang berasal dari alam seperti aktivitas gunung berapi yang mengeluarkan asap seperti belerang, proses biologis yang terjadi di danau, laut, dan tanah. Dan penyebab utama dari hujan asam adalah akibat aktivitas manusia.
            Proses terjadinya hujan asam dari aktivitas manusia berawal dari asap kendaraan atau asap pabrik yang mengandung zat belerang dan gas nitrogen yang nantinya akan bereaksi dengan oksigen yang berada di udara. Reaksi tersebut menghasilkan nitrogen oksidan dan sulfur dioksida. Zat tersebut akan terbawa ke atmosfer yang akan bereaksi lagi dengan titik air di awan. Reaksi tesebut menghasilkan asam nitrat dan asam sulfat. Kedua jenis zat asam tersebut sangat mudah bercampur dan larut dengan air hujan. Sehingga air hujan yang jatuh ke permukaan bumi sudah memiliki pH yang rendah atau bersifat asam.
            Dampak yang ditimbulkan akibat hujan asam tersebut sangat banyak untuk pertanian hujan asam menyebabkan tingkat kesuburan tanah menurun akibat kandungan asam berlebih yang menyebabkan tanaman tidak dapat berkembang dengan baik hujan asam juga dapat merusak tanaman dengan membuat tanaman menjadi layu dan mati . Proses fotosintesis tumbuhan juga terganggu akibat hujan asam sehingga tumbuhan banyak yang mati dan pertumbuhannya terhambat.
Dalam ekosistem hujan asam menyebabkan kematian hewan dan terlambatnya pertumbuhan hewan. Hewan di alam meminum air yang asam sehingga merusak pencernaan dan akan menyebabkan kanker pada hewan. Jika air sudah terkontaminasi asam maka dapat menimbulkan banyak masalah jika diminum oleh hewan atau manusia karena dapat menyebabkan berbagaipenyakit seperti diare, alergi, bahkan kanker.
Air danau yang semakin asam karena hujan asam dapat menyebabkan hewan yang hidup di danau seperti ikan, katak, dan hewan lainnya dapat mati karena tidak dapat bertahan hidup di kondisi air yang bersifat asam. Hal tersebut tentu dapat menganggu keseimbangan ekosistem.
 Hujan asam juga dapat menyebabkan korosi berbagai logam khususnya besi, tembaga dan logam yang mudah korosif lainnya hal tersebut menyebabkan jembatan yang terbuat dari logam mudah karatan dan rapuh yang dapat menyebabkan jembatan tersebut roboh. Kendaraan bermotor yang terbuat dari logam juga dapat berkarat akibat hujan asam dan menyebabkan kendaraan bermotor mudah rusak.
Efek langsung hujan asam terhadap kesehatan sebenarnya tidak ada. Namun, partikel yang dihasilkan hujan asam seperti sulfur dioksida dan nitrogen dioksida berdampak negative bagi kesehatan. Penelitian membuktikan adanya hubungan antara peningkatan kadar senyawa ini dengan kematian dini akibat gangguan jantung dan paru-paru. Asma dan bronchitis juga diduga dipacu oleh kadar senyawa ini yang tinggi di udara. Kalangan yang sensitif terhadap udara ini adalah anak-anak dan orang tua yang aktif di luar ruangan dan memiliki gangguan paru-paru dan jantung.
Banyak sekali hal negatif yang ditimbulkan oleh hujan asam maka dari itu kita harus meminimalisir terjadinya hujan asam dengan cara mengurangi pemakaian kendaraan bermotor dengan berjalan kaki, bersepeda, atau menggunakan kendaraan umum untuk mengurangi gas polutan di udara penyebab hujan asam. Kita juga harus melakukan penghijaun dengan gerakan Go Green agar tumbuhan dapat menyerap gas polutan di udara agar meminimalisir terjadinya gangguan kesehatan seperti asma dan gangguan jantung.

Referensi :

Kamis, 12 Maret 2015


 General classification
What is disaster management?
The United Nations defines a disaster as a serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society. Disasters involve widespread human, material, economic or environmental impacts, which exceed the ability of the affected community or society to cope using its own resources.
The Red Cross and Red Crescent societies define disaster management as the organisation and management of resources and responsibilities for dealing with all humanitarian aspects of emergencies, in particular preparedness, response and recovery in order to lessen the impact of disasters.
Do you know Types of disasters?
Types of disasters
There is no country that is immune from disaster, though vulnerability to disaster varies. There are four main types of disaster.
·         Natural disasters: including floods, hurricanes, earthquakes and volcano eruptions that have immediate impacts on human health and secondary impacts causing further death and suffering from (for example) floods, landslides, fires, tsunamis.
·         Environmental emergencies: including technological or industrial accidents, usually involving the production, use or transportation of hazardous material, and occur where these materials are produced, used or transported, and forest fires caused by humans.
·         Complex emergencies: involving a break-down of authority, looting and attacks on strategic installations, including conflict situations and war.
·         Pandemic emergencies: involving a sudden onset of contagious disease that affects health, disrupts services and businesses, brings economic and social costs.
Any disaster can interrupt essential services, such as health care, electricity, water, sewage/garbage removal, transportation and communications. The interruption can seriously affect the health, social and economic networks of local communities and countries. Disasters have a major and long-lasting impact on people long after the immediate effect has been mitigated. Poorly planned relief activities can have a significant negative impact not only on the disaster victims but also on donors and relief agencies. So it is important that physical therapists join established programmes rather than attempting individual efforts.
Local, regional, national and international organisations are all involved in mounting a humanitarian response to disasters. Each will have a prepared disaster management plan. These plans cover prevention, preparedness, relief and recovery.
Disaster prevention
These are activities designed to provide permanent protection from disasters. Not all disasters, particularly natural disasters, can be prevented, but the risk of loss of life and injury can be mitigated with good evacuation plans, environmental planning and design standards. In January 2005, 168 Governments adopted a 10-year global plan for natural disaster risk reduction called the Hyogo Framework. It offers guiding principles, priorities for action, and practical means for achieving disaster resilience for vulnerable communities.
Disaster preparedness
These activities are designed to minimise loss of life and damage – for example by removing people and property from a threatened location and by facilitating timely and effective rescue, relief and rehabilitation. Preparedness is the main way of reducing the impact of disasters. Community-based preparedness and management should be a high priority in physical therapy practice management.
Disaster relief
This is a coordinated multi-agency response to reduce the impact of a disaster and its long-term results. Relief activities include rescue, relocation, providing food and water, preventing disease and disability, repairing vital services such as telecommunications and transport, providing temporary shelter and emergency health care.
Disaster recovery
Once emergency needs have been met and the initial crisis is over, the people affected and the communities that support them are still vulnerable. Recovery activities include rebuilding infrastructure, health care and rehabilitation. These should blend with development activities, such as building human resources for health and developing policies and practices to avoid similar situations in future.
Disaster management is linked with sustainable development, particularly in relation to vulnerable people such as those with disabilities, elderly people, children and other marginalised groups. Health Volunteers Overseas publications address some of the common misunderstandings about disaster management.

Sabtu, 21 Februari 2015

Procedural Text

Assallamualaikum wr.wb
     Yeayy This last post today. I interview my sister her name is Desy. Hi my sister, May i ask you something? Yes okay. Have you ever used a procedural text? Yes i ever used. What have you used it for? I used it for knew step using photo editor. Was it helpful? Yes very help me. Was it easy to follow? Yes i thought it easy. Was it easy to use? Yes easy to use sis. Will you use a procedural text again? Yes of course i will used again.
      Can you tell us your experience in using procedural texts? Yes i will show procedural take a shoot with photo editor B612. First you must download application in the google play or app store. After that click icon B612 and choose frame you want, then slide the screen to change effect hold the button to take a picture Finally you can share your picture with your friends> Okay thank you my sister about your procedural. Your welcomeee

 Finally it's the picture after using B612:)

Procedural Text

Assallamualaikum wr.wb
       Hello everyone i post the same text about procedural. Now i will interview my friend she is murti she my classmate in junior high school.
      Hi murti May i ask you about procedural text? Yes of course nahra. Have you ever used a procedural text to do something? Yes i ever used. What have  you used it for? For using my gadget and my laptop. Was it helpful? Yes it's helpful. Was it easy to follow? Yes very easy. Was it easy to use? Yes easy for understand. Will you use a procedural text agaiin? Yes of course.
     Can you tell us your experience in using procedural text? Yes i want to tell everyone about draw table in microsoft word. First we must open microsoft word. Then we click insert in top. After that we click table icon and click draw table so we can draw table as we need. Tips for giving color for table click table and click color table you can choose color you want.

Jumat, 20 Februari 2015

Procedural Text

          Assallamualaikum wr.wb
      Hello everyone now i wiil post my interview with my friend she my neighbor and my name friend is Rara she is my classmate in junior high school.
      Hallo Rara how are you ? I am fine thank you and you? I am fine too. Soory if i distrub you May i interview you about procedural text? Oh no problem okay i can.
      Have you ever used a procedural text to do something? Yes of course. What have you used it for? For everything like turn on tv, laptop, and my elctronice tools. Was it helpful? Yes it's very helpful. Was it easy to follow? Yes easy. Wa it easy to use? Yes very easy to use because there instruction. Will you use a procedural text again? Yes i used again.
       Can you tell us your experience in using procedural texts? Okay i will show about procedural and it's very easy it is tur on my portable wiFi. First we must check the batery if green color mean full batery if red mean low. Second we press big knob until there ligh blue in screen. Finally wait until wiFi connect to your gadget. Wow it's very easy thank you Rara for your procedural. Off coure thanks back hehe.

Procedural Text

             Assallamualaikum wr.wb
      Hello everyone Now i will post about procedural text i interview my neighboor and she is my best friend since elementary school My friend name is Putri . okay i will started.
      Hallo putri can i interview you about procedural text? Yes okay. Have you ever used a procedural text? Yes i ever use. What have you used it for? I used for make food. Was it helpful? Yes very helpuful because i can make food easy and delicious. Was it easy to follow? Yes easy because step by step easy to understand. Was it easy to use? Ye very easy. Will you use a procedural text again? Yes of course i want to use procedural text again.
      Can you tell us your experience in using procedural texts? Of course, we will make instant noodle. First we prepare the materials like 1 pack instant noodle and water. Second we turn on the stove and put pan into stove then enter water, wait the water until boil. After the water boil enter the noodle, prepare plate and open ingredients. Wait for a 3 minutes until noodle cooked. Then turn of stove an take pan throw water and take noodle into plate. Finally stir noodle in plate. To make more delicious i advice to add sauce. Okay thank you my friend about your procedur. Yes your welcome.

Procedural text

Now i will Ask my neighbor she is the strong grandma hhehe okay I will start.
       Assallamualaikum wr.wb mam sorry if I disturb you, May i ask you about procedural text? Yes sure
       Previously I wanted to ask what you know about procedural text? I don't know.
What it is? Answer mam. Procedural text is the text that contains step of step to do something.
     Have you ever used a procedural text to do something mam? Yes I ever. What have you used it for? I used it for made cake. Was it easy to follow? Yes because the step in text clear and sequential.
     Was it easy to use? Yes, but a little difficult because it must read the text while making cake. Will you use a procedural text again? Yes of course because its very helpful.
     Can you tell us your experience in using procedural text? Yes of course we will make jelly. The first we will prepare the materials like jelly powder, and sugar. Second we turn on the stove and enter water to the pand then wait until boil.After that enter jelly powder into pan and s then enter 3 tsp sugar into pan stir until thick. Wait for 3 minutes and pour the jelly in bowl or jelly printing, wait until cold and enter to refrigator.Finally jelly will be served, for suggestion add milk before served to make jelly more delicious. Okay thanks mam.